Friday, March 07, 2008

World's End

Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Artwork - Older stuff

Have we lost our way?



Is death written in our genes?

Dream dancer

Library of Celsus, Ephesus

Beanie the elephant

Winston Churchill

Horse and Rider

Figure drawing - from life

Rainy day

Faure Requiem - Chalk pastels

Milton's Cottage, Buckinghamshire

Figure drawing - from life

The end of time, for the dinosaurs

Truro Cathederal - from life

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Bear and the Bee

The Bear and the Bee is a children's story about a bear that keeps stealing the bee's honey. So the bee chases off the bear but a lion has taken over the bear's cave so he has no-where to live. Unfortunately the bee hive is then attached by a flock of birds so the bee and his friends don't have a home anymore.

Anyway, the bear helps the bee by scaring off the birds and the bee creates a new hive next to the bear's cave so they can watch out for each other. Sorry to spoil the story!

Gramps's Little Bulldozer

Gramps's Little Bulldozer is a story about a bulldozer that worked hard on the farm for years then became dilapidated. So Gramps carefully restored it and brought it back to full working order. Most of the book is made up of double page spreads like these pictures.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Money Smart

A children's book explaining the best way to 'Save, Share and Spend' money. I illustrated it based on supplied text.The book contained 24 illustrated pages - here's a sample.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

First Edition Publishing - October 2006

Illustrated book on Breast Cancer (80 or so one liners each needed a cartoon)

Defense Force against cancer

Saturday, September 16, 2006

First Edition Publishing - September 2006

Illustration and design for the book 'The Knave and the Princess'

Illustration and design for the book - 'Down by the Woods Where the Grass Grows Brown'

Design of First Edition's 2006 12 page Catalogue

Friday, June 09, 2006

Information Illustration